
Help Friends of RPL by Eating at Chipotle

Chipotle will host a dine-to-donate event for Friends of Rodman Public Library from 4 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, September 12. Diners at the 1630 W. State St. location can help raise funds by presenting a flyer obtainable at Rodman Public Library or by telling their server they would like to support the Friends of Rodman Library. Those ordering online for pickup need to use the code CJ3MTKR for their order to count towards donating 33 percent of the event sales to the cause. Delivery orders will not count toward the fundraiser.

Teens Invited to Nerf Night September 7

Teen Nerf Night


Teens, ages 12-18, are invited to attend Nerf Night from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 7.

Teens should start to assemble in the Main Library auditorium at 5:15 p.m. for the after-hours event. Participants may bring in their own Nerf weapons or use some provided by the library. The library will also provide Nerf darts.

Space is limited and registration is required.